The Best Games For Bonding As A Family
With the ongoing pandemic, lockdowns, work from home measures, and business closures, we are spending more time than ever at home. A lot more. This has caused many families to become stressed, anxious, and sometimes tense as spouses and siblings alike begin to get on each other’s nerves. And, while this is normal behaviour, it can lead to problems within the household which should be addressed.
To keep children happy, parents should focus on ways to create better teamwork and a stronger family bond. The pandemic and lockdowns could be around for quite some time still and it is important that families get along.
With that being said, we are going to take a look at some games that promote family bonding and build teamwork:
Play Card Games- while board games are a lot of fun, card games can be a new way to play and interact together. Many card games such as Sleeping Queens, Sushi Go!, Spot It!, and others take very little time and can be played by everyone, including young children. Our Rosie the Moo story card game is a great game to play as a family, help your child put the illustration cards in the correct order and answering the educational card questions about the story, you can also have fun practicing animal sounds together!
Copycat- copycat is a fun game that children love to play. Get started by having everyone gather in a circle and choose who goes first. That person will do something such as running in place or spinning around, then the rest of the group must do their best to copy it. Copycat makes everyone tune into one another and builds stronger connections.
Make A Gratitude Circle- a gratitude circle is the perfect game for families with kids of varying ages. It doesn’t require physical skills and there are no wrong answers. Mum or dad asks, “What’s one thing you’re grateful for?” to each person in the circle and that person responds with something they are most grateful for. It could be their health, a warm, safe house, or no homework. Everyone sits and listens to each other while being polite and waiting their turn.
At Home Concert- one thing that many people miss are live concerts. While you won’t get the exact same feeling at home, you can still have a lot of fun as a family by creating a play list that everyone likes and turning up the volume until everyone is up and dancing.
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